Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Sketches for P1 -in progress-

I had a really hard time drawing for this because most feel like they are repeated drawing. My concept I want to portray is of cats being like evil animals in this so it can be a bit funny because typically people always assume they are cute and cuddly creatures.Drawing 10 is something I would like to pursue but I will be thinking of other ideas later in the week, This is just some concepts I have so far.

Illustrations that are inspiring

On my project 1 assignment I deiced I would work on the cat one where they are more dangerous in killing than people think. In picking this topic I wanted to search for cat illustrations that would maybe help me get a better understanding of how to approach to draw a cat on illustrator. Here are some that inspire me:


The bottom one was my favorite.

I thought these were funny. good for a comical illustration

Simple but affective

Really liked this design

Monday, January 13, 2014

P1 Research

Three sites I'm interested in for project 1:

1. :http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/31/opinion/cats-soft-and-deadly.html I like this article because Im interested in cats and i can come up with a lot of ideas based on animal drawings.

2. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/opinion/editorials/ct-ecigarette-ban-edit-0106-20140106,0,1777305.story
I found this article interesting because I was always curios as to whether the e cigs were bad for you or not.

again this is an article about animals and I can come up a lot with to draw on these.

This is just an interesting article about sleep because sleep is amazing and I thought i could come up with illustrating something about this topic.