Monday, March 3, 2014

Week 8 Peer Critique

Notes: worked with Alexander Rivera
Fix up the edges
make it cleaner
fix boxes
align the buttons set ruler guides so buttons can have right distance
align all the same with equal spacing
work on buttons
play with text a little more ( text more interesting, highlight it or create outlines)
color theme is perfect
nice art work
Feedback from Derrick Bell
Make sure you reread type so you can fixed the widows
on all of the texts
move part of bubble to the top (looks more like he is talking about it then thinking about it)
background color change
says its easier with the pen tool

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Project 2 process drawing

I want to choose the first idea I had and that I have three people lined up. when you roll over each person they describe the piece for there cosplay for there certain con they are going to. For an example the Superhero cosplay man will have certain piece that are essential if you want to cosplay at a con. The roll over would be over his cape, mask,outfit and any prop he has. I would do this for each character I make.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Project 2 Research

For this research I wanted to look up stuff that really interested me.
One would be cosplay. Cosplay is an event or something that usually nerds do that bring them joy. Its dressing up in one of there favorite characters from a movie, tv show or comic. Like superheros, anime and cartoons. For my first Idea I would make three different people and dress each one up explain what they would wear to a con and what type of con to wear these outfits at. I would get my inspiration from this site here:

For my next idea I would like to work with the topic, cats. In this I would choose three different cats, a house cat, a tiger or lion and a bobcat or a different type of species cat and explain the difference of the three and facts about them, even though they are in the same category.
I would use this site here to help me :

My last idea would be strictly facts about pandas as they are my favorite anime, It would include facts about what they eat, why there extinct and what body parts they use to get around with life.
I would be using these sites to help:

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Sketches for P1 -in progress-

I had a really hard time drawing for this because most feel like they are repeated drawing. My concept I want to portray is of cats being like evil animals in this so it can be a bit funny because typically people always assume they are cute and cuddly creatures.Drawing 10 is something I would like to pursue but I will be thinking of other ideas later in the week, This is just some concepts I have so far.

Illustrations that are inspiring

On my project 1 assignment I deiced I would work on the cat one where they are more dangerous in killing than people think. In picking this topic I wanted to search for cat illustrations that would maybe help me get a better understanding of how to approach to draw a cat on illustrator. Here are some that inspire me:


The bottom one was my favorite.

I thought these were funny. good for a comical illustration

Simple but affective

Really liked this design

Monday, January 13, 2014

P1 Research

Three sites I'm interested in for project 1:

1. : I like this article because Im interested in cats and i can come up with a lot of ideas based on animal drawings.

I found this article interesting because I was always curios as to whether the e cigs were bad for you or not.

again this is an article about animals and I can come up a lot with to draw on these.

This is just an interesting article about sleep because sleep is amazing and I thought i could come up with illustrating something about this topic.